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Dear Reader, This may be my very first "drunk" blog post.  OK...I'm not exactly drunk...but I am under the influence.  The ...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Conflict Resolutions

Sometimes, no matter how you try, conflict resolution just isn't possible.  We all enter conflicts believing WE are right and WE have all the facts....but the old adage says there are two sides to every story and the truth is somewhere in the middle. We bring into our conflicts our own emotional baggage and preconceived notions.  And unless we have a true understanding of what our emotional baggage is...we'll never see our part in the conflict.

I'm certainly not saying I don't have emotional baggage...my goodness...I think mine might sink the Titanic.  But I'm very aware of my emotional baggage.  I'm aware of my constant feeling of being left out, not being a part of the group.  Isn't this a major step in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?  The need to belong?  I'm also over analytical to a fault....perhaps some of my blog helps illustrate that point.  I'm also a very, very serious person.  I simply don't know how to loosen up....it comes with carrying all that baggage.  And there is so much, much more...but I digress.

Because we go into conflict ready to battle, ready to change another person's mind...we tend to forget that maybe our mind needs to be changed...sometimes....there just is no middle ground.  Each side has viable facts, viable feelings, viable concerns.  It's in the mature relationships that each party can accept proper responsibility for their actions and promise to take care that it doesn't happen again.  When that can't happen...sometimes, the relationship is irrevocably broken.  Friendship destroyed, never to be regained.  Sometimes it's easier to swim with the current than to fight against it...against what will never change. 

Unfortunately, I think that's happened in my life very recently...when you remove all evidence that someone existed in your life (or when you realize someone has removed evidence of your existence)...it's a sad moment...sad for everyone involved.  No pictures, no emails, no cell phone numbers, no gifts, no facebook, nothing.  Sometimes that is the only way you can move on and begin to work on improving yourself.

Dear Reader, you've been following me through some interesting times in the last few years.  I am for ever grateful that you allow me into to your world for even just a little bit...this is my therapy.

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