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Dear Reader, This may be my very first "drunk" blog post.  OK...I'm not exactly drunk...but I am under the influence.  The ...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Moment

There's always a moment in your life when you know things will never be the same....and for some of us...we identify that moment just before it happens or as it's happening.  It could be that look from your lover when you know that they more than just like you.  Or it could be the goosebumps on your skin when you know something bad is about to happen and change your life forever.  It could be the long awaited moment when you know your child is about to take their first unassisted steps....you just know! 

It could be the moment when you know your life is about to come crashing down around you.  Shattered into a million pieces, making you wonder if you can recover, recoup, revive.  These moments help define us...it's not the moment itself, but how we deal with it.  What are the steps to recovery, recoup and revival?  How do you face it? 

Do you reflect and self-analyze and wonder what YOU could have done that would have resulted in a different outcome?  Do you deflect and lay the blame on one person alone, believing you are the only one wronged? hurting? made the right moves?  Do you listen with open ears, open mind and open heart and try to understand what's going on in the minds of those involved? Do you shut yourself down, close yourself off, suffering in your isolation and not realizing that people are human, people make mistakes, and people learn from them?

Me...I self-analyze.  In fact, as my friends will attest to, I over analyze.  I wonder what I did to perpetuate the situation.  What could I have done to make it different?  How did that other person(people) feel?  What were they thinking at the "moment"? 

The gut-wrenching, life ending hurt eventually dissipates and you move on...you have to. 

How do you want to be defined during "the moment"?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Depending on the "moment" I am fortunate or unfortunate that they do no last forever. How do I want to be viewed in the moment? I want to be seen as a person in a situation be it happy or sad. I may be in an odd way in these moments, but they pass. My life has been defined by some very LARGE moments. Those moments HAVE made me who I am today. I would not undo any of them. You mention the birth of a child as a defining moment that could change your life forever. It did, but at the time I was too young to "know". Only recently have I met a man and his wife and many many of their friends and I "knew" my life would change forever. They are my family and my friends now. Everyone is so open and honest...sometimes brutally. But it's what I need. For the most part they do not wear their hearts on their sleeves as I do, but that's what makes me an individual. At first I thought I needed to be more like them for them to love me. I was wrong. I have been a piece of work at times over the last few months and they both have picked up my pieces in their own way. One of my husband's loving duties is being my anchor. The man and his wife are my glue. I only hope that my emotional self teaches something to them. I know they haven't given up yet.
Recently I met you and there was a moment. I "knew" we would be connected in some way. It was last night. Granted it was in a time of need for you and being my empathic self I took on as much of your hurt that I could(btw, i really need to stop doing that lol). I felt affected for hours afterwards.I haven't met someone in a long time that shares their emotions fairly readily. I too would have shooed the onlookers away...last night I thought I was one of them, so did my husband. I am thankful to be counted as one who could offer comfort. :-)